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Eyes Pre/Post Care


  • DO NOT WEAR CONTACT LENSES DURING OR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE PROCEDURE. Remember to bring your glasses. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes return to their pretreated condition. Do not use growth stimulants such as Latisse®, RapidLash®, or RevitaLash® for at least one week prior to and one week afteryour eyeliner procedure.

  • Do not wear mascara or any eye makeup on the day of the procedure.

  • Remove eyelash extensions one week prior to eyeliner procedure

  • Taking antihistamines or Benadryl can help with swelling and also keep your eyes from watering during the procedure.

  • NO alcohol or caffeine 48 hours before procedure.

  • Avoid sun and tanning one week prior to procedure.

  • Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 48 hours before procedure. These medications will thin out the blood and therefore cause more bleeding during the procedure.

  • Avoid Fish Oil, Prenatal Vitamins, Nutritional Shakes,  or biotin supplements 48 hours prior to procedure.

  • Discontinue Retin-A, Chemical and Laser Peels, microdermabrasions, and Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) at least 4 weeks before the procedure (and avoid on eyebrow area after procedure to prevent premature fading).

  • It is recommended to begin taking Arnica and/or bromelain one week prior to procedure.

  • Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.



  • You should expect to lose approximately 1/3 of the initial color during the healing process. We have selected the optimal pigments for you with this in mind. In approximately five-six days it may appear too light. After about 10 days, the color will show more true and will appear softer when completely healed.

  • Swelling and redness is to be expected immediately after the procedure 


  • 24 HOURS AFTER PROCEDURE: Blot your eye gently with a tissue to absorb lymphatic fluid **


  • Apply cold compress or ice for the first 2-24 hours to reduce swelling. (which must be protected with a clean wet barrier film of paper toweling, towel or cloth) 


  • With clean hands, gently pat your eyes in the morning and night with a water wipe or lukewarm water compression.

  • Allow eyes to completely dry before applying a small amount of ointment provided  (use a clean q-tip and dabbing motion—DO NOT RUB)

  • Avoid sweating (such as from vigorous exercise) for 24 hours.

  • Do not use contact lenses for 48 hours.


  • Continue applying a tiny amount of ointment to keep the lubricated

  • DO NOT PICK, PEEL, OR ITCH THE SKIN. It is extremely important to allow these skin cells to shed on their own naturally. Pulling on the skin or on a scab will warp and pull the ink from the tattoo for at least one week post-procedure or until healing is complete

  • Keep your hands clean and avoid touching the affected area

  • Avoid wearing eye makeup until completely healed

  • Do not use eyelash curlers until completely healed

  • Do not expose area to direct sun or to tanning beds.

  • Avoid exposing the area excessive moisture or humidity, such as:

  • facials, swimming, whirlpools (hot tubs), saunas, steam rooms, and extremely hot showers.

  • Avoid Retin-A, moisturizers, glycolic acids, exfoliants and anti-aging products at all times (not just during healing) on all tattooed areas. These can cause pigments to fade and lighten prematurely.

  • Avoid tanning beds, sun, chlorine spas and pools, soap and chemicals (including skin cleansers, makeup removers, alpha hydroxyl creams)


  • Sun exposure will fade your permanent makeup and tanning beds are extremely harsh on permanent makeup.  Protect your treated area from premature fading by apply a barrier of vaseline.

  • If you are planning for a chemical peel, laser procedure or any type of work by a professional around your permanent makeup site, always inform the practitioner.   Apply a barrier of vaseline to protect the treated area.

  • The use of Retin-A/Tretinoin or any other rapid skin exfoliation products used regularly will cause premature fading.  Any type of "acids" or chemical peels used regularly will also fade the tattoo prematurely.

  • The time you may consider coming in for a color enhancement  is when you feel the need to add more color to your treated area.  Rather than picking up the makeup pencil or lipstick, pick up the phone to schedule your maintenance appointment!

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